Paragraph Writing : Part-1



Unemployment in the true sense means the state of being without any opportunity of earning one's livelihood. Joblessness now is a major problem in developing countries. Even few years ago, there was not much of unemployment. Individuals lived in towns where they met their basic needs by agricultural business  or cottage industries. But with the advent of industrial revolution, it brought about a change in the situation. It presented machines to the society and tossed numerous people out of business. Mechanization has additionally disturbed the circumstance. The crave for sophistication and efficiency has spread round the globe. Computers , automation, robots, AI (Artificial Intelligence) have already been introduced in many industrial countries. These are also major factors for growing unemployment. There is hardly an iota of doubt that  this industrial civilization has expanded our needs and opened up many opportunity ties for job. But, the fact is  increase in scope for employment has not been able to absorb the men/women discharged.  The quick increment of populace has worsened the situation. That is the reason the issue of joblessness has been getting increasingly more intense consistently. 

The evil effects of unemployment are not  only confined to the economic field  but also It obliterates the sense of moral values and leads to unwanted activities arising out of a feeling of despair . A general public, so tainted, can never prosper in the world. This is the reason why every civilized government looks upon removal of joblessness as one of its primary duties. To meet the present circumstance,  different improvement projects and huge ventures in the general population and private area have been taken up. Cottage along with  small scale industries have been encouraged. All these have given employment, direct and indirect, to a good number of people. Still unemployment remains a big issue. And the rapid increase in population has been adding to the difficulty of the situation. This has to be tackled by family. planning. 

Cottage industry is maybe the solitary answer for this issue in our country. By this the villages would be more or less independent and every man and women would do some work and earn his food and apparel subsequently.

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